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loglik = new(loglik_gauss, om, terms, y, x)

This is a standard model which has the form $$y = \langle \phi(x), \theta \rangle + \varepsilon, \varepsilon \sim N(0,\sigma^2)$$ where \(\phi(x)\) is the basis, \(\theta\) is the coefficient vector, \(\varepsilon\) is an unseen noise vector. The parameter vector is of length 1 where para \(= \log(\sigma)\). It is a faster (sometimes) version of loglik_std but can only handle diagonal variational inference.



an outermod instance to be referred to


a matrix of terms, must have as many columns as dims in om


a vector of observations


a matrix of predictors, must have as many columns as dims in om and the same number of rows as y


no returns, this is a class which contains methods

See also

base class: lpdf